The National American Indian and Alaska Native ATTC is excited to share its most recent newsletter, a special issue focusing on the Native LGBTQ/Two Spirit population. In this newsletter we celebrate the strength and resilience of the Native LGBTQ community. Special guest writers include: Rick Haverkate, MPH Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians; Apacuar/Tutmalria Larry Kairaiuak, Yup’ik; and Michaela Grey, MPH, Dine´. Each bring their own expertise and experiences to this newsletter.
In this issue, the National AI/AN ATTC also introduces its upcoming curriculum titled “Honoring Our Relations: Increasing Knowledge on Native LGBTQ/Two Spirit Wellness”. This curriculum is designed to help increase provider’ knowledge and ability to respond to the challenges of Native LGBTQ/Two Spirit individuals.
We hope that you enjoy this special edition newsletter which can accessed at this link:
AI/AN ATTC Special Issue Newsletter