Our Mission
The Center of Excellence on Racial and Ethnic Minority Young Men Who Have Sex with Men and Other Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Populations (YMSM+LGBT CoE) was established to help providers develop skills to deliver culturally-responsive and evidence based prevention and treatment services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations dealing with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders. Additionally, the CoE provided a variety of innovative training and technical assistance resources, including training curricula, webinars, and a website clearinghouse to help providers working with LGBT populations and racial/ethnic minority young men who have sex with men (ages 18-26).
The Center of Excellence was funded by SAMHSA as a supplement to the Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center, in partnership with the National American Indian & Alaska Native ATTC & the Northeast and Caribbean ATTC.
Funding for this project ended in September of 2017.